Best Skin and Hair Care Routines for Summers

Indian Ayurvedic dietary supplement called Chyawanprash / chyavanaprasha is a cooked mixture of sugar, honey, ghee, Indian Gooseberry (amla), jam, sesame oil, berries, herbs and various spices

Is your skin and hair suffering from the blazing summer heat? Don’t be concerned! Here are some tried-and-true Ayurvedic summer rituals to keep your skin and hair looking great.

Ayurvedic Summer Skin Care Routine

• According to Ayurveda, Abhyanga (body massage with herbal oils) is essential for preserving skin health. Before bathing in the summer, gently massage your body with cooling oils such as coconut oil. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to your Abhyanga oil, such as lavender, rosemary, or peppermint.

• Take a bath with a herbal body cleanser and lukewarm water one hour after practising Abhyanga. During the summer, body cleansers with pleasant herbs like lemon, neem, and mint are a good choice.

• Use ubtan to exfoliate dead skin and perspiration build-up from the pores once or twice a week. Ubtans comprising sandalwood powder, orange peel powder, and other cooling ingredients are perfect for summer.

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